How Much Can I Afford?

How Much Can I Afford?

There are three key factors to consider:

1. The down payment

Most loans today require a down payment of between 3.5% and 5.0% depending on the type and terms of the loan. If you are able to come up with a 20-25% down payment, you may be eligible to take advantage of special fast-track programs and possibly eliminate mortgage insurance.

2. Your ability to qualify for a mortgage

Most lenders require that your monthly payment range between 25-28% of your gross monthly income. Your mortgage payment to the lender includes the following items:

  • The principal on the loan (P)
  • The interest on the loan (I)
  • Property taxes (T)
  • The homeowners insurance (I)

3. The closing costs associated with your transaction

You will be required to pay fees for loan processing and other closing costs. These fees must be paid in full at the final settlement, unless you are able to include them in your financing. Typically, total closing costs will range between 2-5% of your mortgage loan.

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